Saturday 11 January 2014

Boxing Day Buys

Boxing day and a trip to the hobby store can be a wonderful and terrible combination.  Wonderful in that there are always things to buy and I am usually in a shopping kind of mood.  I have the desire to spend money and even the hobby store seems to be offering a discount.  I should also mention that after all that giving I feel like giving to myself.  Terrible in that the credit card cycle of Christmas is not yet over and adding to that already mountainous bill is probably not a good idea.

There is a TV commercial that made a big impression upon me.  Two women were discussing their significant others.  One said (in a mocking impression of her husband) "Do you really need all those shoes?"  She smiled and answered her own question.  "Need has nothing to do with it."

I kind of feel like that about hobby things.  If I really analyzed it, I really don't need anything.  Being somewhat logical, I can rein myself in usually and pass up things because I don't need them.  Unfortunately, I can't always stop myself from wanting things.  Maybe it's part of my collection obsession. 

On my latest trip to the hobby store I came across a some cars that I thought looked really cool.  They don't fit the theme of my train collection because I am trying to build a vast array of rolling stock that you would see in Canada.  However, I am also swayed by what looks interesting.  Someday, I will put up my train display case....someday.  And if I don't run these cars all that often, they will still look good in the case.  I am sure anybody who visits my train layout will comment on them.

Of course, some people might comment by asking me, "just how many cars to you need to run this layout?"  I guess those people probably won't be staying long.

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